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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Merz

Leibniz-Centre of Agricultural Landscape Research, ZALF
Institute of Landscape Hydrology
15374 Müncheberg


Date of birth: 13.04.1960

Since 2010 Privatdozent at the Department of Earth Science of the FU Berlin “Workgroup Hydrogeology”

2010 Habilitation at the Department of Earth Science of the FU Berlin; Award of the "Venia Legendi" for Hydrogeology

Title: “Process based regional modeling of water and solute fluxes in Pleistocene aquifer systems - Implications for water management strategies under pressure of global change”

Since 1992 Scientist at the Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Institute for Landscape Hydrology; Head of the working group „Groundwater processes“ and head of the Hydrogeochemical Laboratory

1991 - 1992 Scientific assistant at the Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Geoinformatics, Department of Resource- und Environmental Geology, FU-Berlin

1991 Dr. rer. nat, Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Applied Geology

Title: „Experimental studies to assess the migration behaviour of Cd, Zn, Fe and Mn under natural environmental redox conditions using radionuclides as tracer”

1979 - 1986 Study of Geology (Technical University of Aachen)

Subjects: Hydrogeology, Geochemistry, Economic Geology and Petrology

  • V 24277a: Wasserhaushalt von Berlin und Brandenburg (Landscape Hydrology in Berlin and Brandenburg): Freie Universität Berlin, Modul HG007/E007 "Regionale Hydrogeologie"; WS, 2 SWS, 3 Credits
  • GP 24279b2: Geländepraktikum Brandenburg: Freie Universität Berlin, Modul HG009/E009 "Spezielle Themen der Hydrogeologie", SS, 2 SWS, 3 Credits
  • Geochemical and hydraulic process studies in groundwater and seepage water using PHREEQC, FEFLOW, MODFLOW, HYDRUS, HP1.
  • Identification and modelling of redox based substance transformation processes in combination with system analysis and multivariate statistical approaches for assessing the climate impact on hydrological and geochemical process dynamics
  • Development and application of GIS based conceptual modeling tools to describe water and substance flux for hydrologic and geochemical river basin analysis
  • Development and evaluation of actual management strategies for a sustainable groundwater protection at different scales
  • Improving of objectives for an adapted water resources management under pressure of climate change


Merz, C., Steidl, J. (2015) Data on geochemical and hydraulic properties of a characteristic confined/unconfined aquifer system of the younger Pleistocene in northeast Germany. Earth System Science Data 7, 1, 109-116.

Böttcher, S., Merz, C., Lischeid, G., Dannowski, R. (2014) Using Isomap to differentiate between anthropogenic and natural effects on groundwater dynamics in a complex geological setting. Journal of Hydrology 519, Part B, 1634-1641.

Oguntunde, P. G., Abiodun, B. J., Lischeid, G., Merz, C. (2014) Modelling the impacts of reforestation on the projected hydroclimatology of Niger River Basin, West Africa. Ecohydrology 7, 1, 163-176.

Stepien, D. K., Regnery, J., Merz, C., Püttmann, W. (2013) Behavior of organophosphates and hydrophilic ethers during bank filtration and their potential application as organic tracers: a field study from the Oderbruch, Germany Science of the Total Environment 458-460, 150-159.

LISCHEID, G., STEIDL, J., MERZ, C. (2012): Funktionalanalyse statt Trendanalyse zur Erfassung des anthropogenen Einflusses auf Grundwasserganglinien. Grundwasser (DOI) 10.1007/s00767-012-0188-y

MERZ, C., PEKDEGER, A. (2011): Athropogenic Change in the Landscape Hydrology of the Berlin-Brandenburg region. Die Erde, 142 (1-2).

REGNERY, J., PÜTTMANN, W., MERZ, C., BERTHOLD, G. (2011): Occurrence and distribution of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in anthropogenically affected groundwater. Journal of Environmental Monitoring.13 (2): 347-354

LISCHEID, G., NATKHIN, M., STEIDL, J., DIETRICH, O., DANNOWSKI, R., MERZ, C. (2010): Assessing coupling between lakes and layered aquifers in a complex Pleistocene landscape based on water level dynamics. Advances in Water Resources, 33, 1331-1339.

MERZ, C., WINKLER, A., PEKDEGER, A. (2009a): Trace elements in streambed sediments of floodplains - consequences for water management measures. Environmental Earth Science, 59(1), 25-38.

MERZ, C., STEIDL, J., DANNOWSKI, R. (2009b): Parameterization and regionalization of redox based denitrification for GIS-embedded nitrate transport modeling in Pleistocene aquifer systems. Environmental Geology, 58, 1587-1599.

MERZ, C., SCHUHMACHER, P., WINKLER, A., PEKDEGER, A. (2005): Identification and regionalization of hydrochemical processes at the contact zone between anoxic groundwater and surface water in poldered floodplains (Oderbruch polder, Germany). Applied Geochemistry, 20 (2), 241-254.

MASSMANN, G., PEKDEGER, A., MERZ, C. (2004): Redox processes in the Oderbruch polder groundwater flow system in Germany. Applied Geochemistry, 19, 863 –886.

MASSMANN, G., TICHOMIROWA, M., MERZ, C., PEKDEGER, A. (2003): Sulfide oxidation and sulfate reduction in a shallow groundwater system (Oderbruch aquifer, Germany). Journal of Hydrology, 278, 231-243.

MERZ, C., STEIDL, J., DANNOWSKI, R. (1999): GIS-based conceptional hydrogeological data models for ground water modeling in glacially formed mesoscale watersheds. Hydrological Science and Technology, 15 (1-4), 191-200.

KOFOD, M., SCHÜRING, J., MERZ, C., WINKLER, A., LIEDHOLZ, T., SIECKMANN, I., ISENBECK-SCHRÖTER, M. (1997): Der geochemische Einfluß von Sickerwasser aus landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen auf das Grundwasser im Oderbruch. Z. dt. geol. Ges., 148, 389-403.

QUAST, J., MERZ, C. (1996): Aspekte der Hydrologie von Quellen des nordostdeutschen Tieflandes. Crunoecia, 5, 119 – 124.

PÜTTMANN, W., HAGEMANN, H.W., MERZ, C., SPECZIK, S. (1988): Influence of organic material on mineralization processes in the Permian Kupferschiefer Formation, Poland. Organic Geochemistry, 13, 357 – 363.

Books and Book Contributions

Ramelow, M., Dannowski, R., Böttcher, S., Merz, C. (2014) Grundlagen wasserwirtschaftlicher Maßnahmen zur Stabilisierung des Abflussregimes in kleinen Einzugsgebieten am Beispiel des Fredersdorfer Mühlenfließes. In: Kaden, S., Dietrich, O., Theobald, S. (eds), Wassermanagement im Klimawandel: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Anpassungsmaßnahmen. oekom, München, pp. 281-302.

RAMELOW, M., BÖTTCHER, S., DANNOWSKI, R., MERZ, C., STEIDL, J., THOMAS, B., KNIERIM, A. (2012): Bausteine eines transdisziplinären Konzeptes zur Stabilisierung der Abflussverhältnisse am Fredersdorfer Mühlenfließ (Brandenburg). In: Grünewald, U., Bens, O., Fischer, H., Hüttl, R. F., Kaiser, K. (Hrsg.), Wasserbezogene Anpassungsmaßnahmen an den Landschafts- und Klimawandel. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 258-265.

MERZ, C. (2010): Process based regional modeling of water and solute fluxes in Pleistocene aquifer systems: Implications for water management strategies under pressure of global change. Berlin, Freie Universität, Habilitationsschrift. http://publ.ext.zalf.de/publications/85bb81c7-28c4-4dc2-b18c-461f94f0ba64.pdf.

MASSMANN, G., PEKDEGER, A., MERZ, C., QUAST, J., SCHAFMEISTER, M.-T. (2003): Infiltration of river water into the groundwater - Quantifying 250 years of iron reduction in an anoxic aquifer (Oderbruch, Germany). - In: H.D. Schulz and A. Hadeler (Eds), Geochemical processes in Soil and Groundwater – Measurements – Modelling - Upscaling, 560-579, DFG-Wiley-VCH.

MERZ, C., SCHUHMACHER, P., WINKLER, A., PEKDEGER, A. (2003): Identification and quantification of hydrochemical processes at the contact zone between anoxic groundwater and surface water in Oderbruch Polder. In: H.D. Schulz and A. Hadeler (Eds), Geochemical processes in Soil and Groundwater – Measurements – Modelling - Upscaling, 579-595, DFG-Wiley-VCH.

HOLZBECHER, E., HORNER, CH., MASSMANN, G., PEKDEGER, A., MERZ, C. (2002): Redox-Transport Modelling for the Oderbruch Aquifer. In: H.D. Schulz and G. Teutsch (Eds), Geochemical processes – Concepts for modeling reactive transport in soils and groundwater, 191-214, DFG-Wiley-VCH.

MERZ, C., SCHUHMACHER, P., STEIDL, J., WINKLER, A. (2002): Conception of a GIS based data model for combined hydrochemical and hydraulic balance calculations in Pleistocene landscapes - An approach of regionalization. In: H.D. Schulz and G. Teutsch (Eds), Geochemical processes – Concepts for modeling reactive transport in soils and groundwater, 135-152, DFG-Wiley-VCH.

MERZ, C., WINKLER, A., SCHUHMACHER, P., SIECKMANN, I. (2001): Hydrochemische Charakterisierung und Migrationsverhalten umweltrelevanter Spurenstoffe unter wechselnden Milieubedingungen im oberflächennahen Grundwasserleiter des Oderbruchs.- In: A. Winkler (Hrsg.) Gedenkschrift zum 80 Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Hk. Brühl, Berliner Geowiss. Abhandlungen Reihe A, Band 214, 69-84, Berlin.

QUAST, J., MERZ, C., STEIDL, J. (2000): Überlagerung von Grundwasserdynamik und Stoffumwandlungsprozessen in Grundwasserleitern von Flußauen mit eingedeichten Poldern. In: Friese, Witter, Miehlich, Rode (Hrsg.), Stoffhaushalt von Auenökosystemen, 149-158, Springer-Verlag.

MERZ, C., KERSEBAUM, K.C., WURBS, A. (2000): Hydrogeological and geochemical investigations of agricultural implied nutrients on a typical groundmoraine site in NE-Germany. In: Elias, V. & Littlewood, I.G. (Eds), Catchment hydrological and biochemical processes in the changing environment. Unesco Technical Documents in Hydrology, 37, 147-157.

STEIDL, J., MERZ, C., DANNOWSKI, R. (1999): GIS gestützte Parametrisierung hydrogeologischer Datenmodelle für die Grundwassermodellierung in jungpleistozänen Einzugsgebieten. In: Fohrer, N. und Döll, P. (Hrsg), Modellierung des Wasser- und Stofftransports in großen Einzugsgebieten. 197-205, Verlag Kassel University Press.

WURBS, A., KERSEBAUM, K.C., MERZ, C. (1999): Quantification of leached pollutants into the groundwater caused by agricultural land use – scenarios as a method for quantitative risk assessment of groundwater pollution. In: Integrated Watershed Management in the Global Ecosystem, Boca Raton, 239-250, CRC-Press.

BRÜHL, HK., MERZ, C., SPINDELDREHER, J. (1995): Mobilitätsuntersuchungen mit Cd, Zn, Fe, Mn unter wechselnden Milieubedingungen mit Hilfe radioaktiver Isotope. In: Schöttler, U., Schulte-Ebbert, U. (Hrsg): Verhalten von Schadstoffen im Untergrund bei der Infiltration von Oberflächenwasser am Beispiel des Untersuchungsgebietes „Insel Hengsen“ im Ruhrtal bei Schwerte, 393-436, VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim.

WINKER, A., STROETMANN, I., SOKOTNEJAT, R., KÄMPFER, P., MERZ, C., DOTT, W., PEKDEGER, A. (1994): Einfluß mikrobieller Aktivitäten auf die Migrationseigenschaften redox-sensitiver Elemente (Technetium und Selen). In: Matschullat, J., Müller, G. (Hrsg.), Geowissenschaften und Umwelt, 135-143, Springer Verlag Berlin.

MERZ, C. (1992): Laboruntersuchungen zum Migrationsverhalten von Cd, Zn, Fe und Mn in Lockergesteinen unter Wahrung der natürlichen Milieubedingungen mit Hilfe der Radionuklidtracerung. Dissertation, Selbstverlag Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin, 113 Seiten, Reihe A, Bd. 141, ISBN 3-927541-49-4.