Profile of the Laboratory
The Laboratory for Physical Geography of the Institute for Geographical Sciences investigates water and solid samples (e.g. suspended loads, soils, sediments, solid rocks etc.). The following aspects are conducted: sample preparation for sedimentological and palynological investigations
- physical parameters (f.e.determination of grain-size, water content, oven-dry density, magnetic susceptibility etc.)
- chemical parameters (f.e.pH-value, electric conductivity of soil solutions, phosphate concentration etc.)
- determination of the mineralogic composition (X-ray diffraction)
- determination and quantification of the element concentration (f.e. carbon contents (TC, TIC, TOC), nitrogen (TN), sulphurl (TS), heavy metal concentrations (Zn, Pb, Cd, ...), alkaline metals and alkaline earth metals as well as main and trace elements)
Team Leader
Prof. Dr. Brigitta Schütt
Room H153
Tel.: (+49 30) 838 - 70749
Fax.: (+49 30) 838 - 458711
email: brigitta.schuett[at]
Head of Laboratory
Dr. Philipp Hoelzmann
Room B004
Tel.: (+49 30) 838 - 70635
Fax.: (+49 30) 838 - 458711
email: philipp.hoelzmann[at]
Dr. Moritz Nykamp
Room B006a
Tel.: (+49 30) 838 - 70604
Fax.: (+49 30) 838 - 458711
email: m.nykamp[at]
Technical assistant
Michaela Scholz
Room B007
Tel.: (+49 30) 838 - 70389
email: michaela.scholz[at]
Student Assistant
Antonia Umlauf
Room B002
Tel.: (+49 30) 838 - 61428
email: antonia.umlauf[at]
Moritz Wittschen
Room B002
Tel.: (+49 30) 838 - 61428
email: wittschem03[at]
Trainees; up to 6 months/a
Room B002
Tel.: (+49 30) 838 - 70389