M.Sc Karla Vergara-Rodríguez

Freie Universität Berlin
Human - Environment Geography
PhD Candidate
Room K 064
12249 Berlin
I am interested in exploring and understanding the intricate connections between natural and social systems using an interdisciplinary approach, specifically socio-ecological systems. My main area of research revolves around analyzing transformation dynamics in the Andean-Amazonian and tropical regions, intending to support public policies for sustainable development in rural areas.
I completed my bachelor's degree and Licenciatura in Geography and Environment at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). I pursued a master's degree in the Global Change Geography program at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Over the last 11 years, I have participated in research and projects on rural development and climate change adaptation processes in the Peruvian Andes and transformation dynamics in the Peruvian Amazon.
In April 2024, I embarked on my Ph.D. project, titled "Unveiling the Deforestation Frontiers' Dynamics and their Relationship with Well-being in the Peruvian Amazon." This project primarily focuses on exploring transformation dynamics in the Amazon by analyzing deforestation archetypes and their evolution. It also aims to uncover insights into deforestation drivers and their consequences on well-being by analyzing social-ecological indicators and local perceptions.