KFS at the Extreme Weather Congress and the Climate Management Conference in Hamburg
News from Oct 08, 2024
Theresa Zimmermann participated in the Extreme Weather Congress and the subsequent Climate Management Conference in Hamburg from September 25-27, 2024.
She presented interim results of the ClimXchange project in a poster presentation, focusing on expectations and challenges regarding the (knowledge) exchange between climate scientists and practitioners. She also presented workshop results from two ClimXchange workshops conducted with ClimXtreme scientists and actors from local administrations, infrastructure companies, the water sector, and the finance and insurance industries.
At the workshop "Health Heat Protection at the Municipal Level - Interdisciplinary Collaboration," Theresa Zimmermann gave an introductory lecture in which she addressed why heat and the effects of heat are generally not classified as disasters, what the (potential) role of disaster management could be in addressing heatwaves, and why heat warnings must be understood in a socio-cultural context. She organized the workshop together with KLUG – German Alliance on Climate Change and Health, the Hans-Ertel Center for Weather Research, and the Berlin Senate Department for Science, Health, and Care. The goal was to facilitate an interdisciplinary exchange between meteorology, the health sector, municipal administration, and crisis and disaster preparedness.
In the workshop "Municipal Climate Adaptation and Risk and Crisis Management Hand in Hand," she discussed with municipal climate adaptation managers, scientists, and federal authorities why interfaces between climate adaptation and disaster prevention would be beneficial, and what barriers prevent the effective use and integration of these synergies in practice. The workshop was jointly organized by the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance and the German Environment Agency.
Theresa Zimmermann (2024): Klimawissen in die Praxis bringen. Fragen, Bedarfe und Erwartungen für einen guten Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft und Anwendung. Posterpräsentation. Extremwetterkongress, 26.-27.09.2024, Hamburg.
Zimmermann, Theresa (2024): Katastrophale Hitze?! Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Betroffenheit, Hilfe und Warnung. Input-Vortrag, Workshop „Gesundheitlicher Hitzeschutz auf kommunaler Ebene - Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit“. Klimamanagementtagung, 26.-27.09.2024, Hamburg.