Quick-Response Project WinWas: Field Research on the Winter Floods 2023/24
Helme River is flowing again in its riverbed on the outskirts of Kelbra village. Trees lining the banks are still submerged in water; Copyright: KFS
Sandbags are ready for collection at the roadside, here in Thürungen; Copyright: KFS
News from Feb 07, 2024
On February 2, 2024, researchers of the KFS conducted an initial field research in the districts of Nordhausen and Mansfeld-Südharz as part of the Quick-Response research project WinWas. As part of the field trip Interviews were conducted with local authorities on their experiences in flood management.
Particularly insightful perspectives were gained into the decision-making processes during and implementation of the evacuation of the village of Windehausen. Additional aspects of flood response were also explored, including the cooperation among various actors, community response and behavior during imminent evacuations and reconstruction efforts, challenges experienced during the flood control operation and the conscious use of social media alongside the management of misinformation. Furthermore, the field trip provided insights into the local conditions and the current situation.
This not only allows for contextualizing and analyzing the previously collected data (media analysis, literature review, and online interviews) appropriately but also for developing a more comprehensive perspective on the available information.