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Survey of the SEMSAI research project on the behaviour of the population during pandemics

News from Jan 22, 2024

The sub-project population behaviour and feedback effects of the SEMSAI research project, which is supervised by the KFS, is currently conducting a representative Germany-wide online survey.

The aim of this survey is to close knowledge gaps regarding the population's reaction to an ongoing pandemic. A particular focus of the survey is placed on identifying factors that predict the behaviour of people in pandemics regarding their compliance with non-medical measures to contain its spread.

The survey also examines whether the presentation of measures in the form of recommendations or their communication as regulations is more likely to motivate people to follow them. To this end, an online experiment is being conducted as part of the survey.

The obtained findings will form an important basis for the further development of the forecasting models in the SEMSAI sub-projects supervised by our project partners.

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