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ATLAS-ENGAGE Workshops on Volunteering Forms in Crises

News from Mar 21, 2023

On March 10 and 16, 2023, two workshops with a total of almost 40 participants took place. They focused on the interim results of ATLAS-ENGAGE on a developed typology of volunteering forms in crises and disasters. Furthermore, suitability criteria for volunteering types were presented and discussed. Further topics were specifics of engagement in civil protection cases and open questions. Additionally, the participants brainstormed wishes regarding the preparation of the project results for practitioners. The first workshop was organized by the German Red Cross (DRK) as an internal practical workshop and for networking different projects on the topic of spontaneous volunteers in the DRK and ATLAS-ENGAGE. In the second workshop, "Disaster Volunteering in Transition - Dealing with Different Forms of Engagement," the focus was on a cross-organizational exchange with a total of 14 actors from response and training organizations, authorities, and research. The workshops will be included in the fine-tuning of concepts and results. 

We thank all participants for their participation and valuable contributions! 

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