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CliWaC Podium Discussion at Ramba Zamba Theater

News from Dec 08, 2022

Next Tuesday on Dec. 13th at 18:30, there will be a special podium discussion at the intersection of art and science taking place at the Ramba Zamba Theater in Prenzlauer Berg.

Scientists from the research consortium Climate and Water Under Change (CliWaC) Sonja Knopp (FU, KFS) & Jörg Niewöhner (HU) will take stage with the authors Kathrin Röggla & Thomas Köck, and artists from the Ramba Zamba to talk water. Röggla & Köck will discuss their reasons and intentions for making water the centre of their pieces 'Das Wasser' and 'the world flames like a disco ball' performed at the Dresden State Theater and Ramba Zamba respectively. Further discussions of the impacts of climate change on water in Berlin-Brandenburg, and the relevance of artistic, historical and anthropological aspects of water will ensue.

The event is part of the cooperation between the Ramba Zamba, the Theater of the Anthropocene and AnthropoScenes and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the State of Berlin as part of the Excellence Strategy of the Berlin University Alliance.

Tickets are free & can be reserved here; https://rambazamba-theater.de/inszenierungen/unser-schicksal-das-wasser-podiumsdiskussion/


PS note the event will be in German.

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