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Borrowing, renewing and returning



Students of Freie Universität:

Students of Freie Universität can borrow media with their valid "Campuscard" and have them made available. A separate registration is not necessary.

External users:

External users are persons over 16 years of age who are resident in Berlin or Brandenburg or who have a student card from a local university. A library card is issued free of charge and can be obtained at the service desk on presentation of the following documents:

  • valid identity card or passport
  • official proof of current residence, if this is not evident from one of the above documents
  • if applicable, a valid student card from a university in Berlin/Brandenburg
  • Library registration form

External users who have not yet reached the age of 18 also require the written consent of a parent or guardian as well as a copy of the identity card of a parent or guardian to produce their library card.

Loan period, renewal

The loan period in the Earth Sciences Library is usually 4 weeks, for books from the textbook collection 2 weeks and can be extended if there is no reservation. Detailed information on the loan period can be found in Primo after registration.

The loan period can be extended in the user account itself or by telephone on (030) 838-70205. After a maximum loan period of 6 months, the item must be presented. Reminder emails are sent before the loan period expires as a service of the FU Libraries.

The lending conditions and the loan period of interlibrary loans are determined by the lending library and are therefore variable. It is not possible to extend the loan period beyond this.

In these cases, renewals are not possible:

  • The item you wish to renew is on hold.
  • The item was ordered via interlibrary loan.
  • Your account is blocked.

Reservation of borrowed media

You can reserve borrowed items by making a reservation in Primo. To do this, you must log in to the library portal Primo.

You will receive an e-mail notification when the reservation is waiting for you at the service desk for 5 working days.

Book return

FU media can be returned at all lending desks of the Freie Universität Berlin except at the libraries of the Charité. Interlibrary loans must be returned to the UB.

You will receive a return receipt by mail.