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Contour earth bunds - up-slope

These are a variation of contour bench terraces and are typically constructed on slopes 5-20 %. They are constructed by digging a trench and throwing soil up-slope to form a bund. The trench is usually 50 – 60 cm deep and may have cross-ties at 10 m intervals. A small ledge or ‘berm’ is left between the ditch and the bund to prevent soil sliding back. Fanya juu involve more labour than fanya chini. In semi-arid areas they are normally constructed to harvest and conserve rainfall, whereas in sub-humid zones they may be laterally graded to safely discharge excess runoff. The bunds (risers) are often stabilized with fodder grasses. Over time forward sloping fanya juu terraces can develop into level contour bench terraces due to contour tillage or soil erosion on the “terraces”. Apart from Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania, records of fanya juu terraces also exist from Zimbabwe. (Mekdaschi & Liniger 2013)