Mathias Ricking

Umweltbundesamt (UBA)
Fachrichtung Paläontologie
assoziierter Wissenschaftler
Applied Geochemistry and Anthropocene Research
Environment Agency Germany
Wastewater Treatment Technology
Corrensplatz 1
14195 Berlin
Wastewater Treatment Technology
Corrensplatz 1
14195 Berlin
- Literature review on contaminants in sediments (POPs, trace metals, nutrients) 1990-1992
- Chemical Time Bombs project in cooperation with RWS (Groningen-NL) on the Ems Estuary 1993-1996
- Project on the methodological concept of comparable analyses of sediments with special focus on organic contaminants (DBU-Project) 1996-1999
- Analyses of water and sediment samples on Lake Stechlin Area Background area – NE Germany) in cooperation with IGB 1994/1995
- Analysis of SPM and sediment samples for the authorities of Berlin (SenGUV) from 1993/1994 till 2015
- Organic Screening analyses of sediments from the Havel and Spree River system within the BMBF-Project Elbe-2000 1996/1997
- Organic screening analyses on groundwater, surface waters and sediments in DfG project Oderbruch 1997-1999 (Working Group Hydrogeology – Prof. A. Pekdeger)
- Sampling and analyses of sediment samples on the River Danube in Russe (Bulgaria) 1995/1996
- Analyses on dredged material in cooperation with Prof. Halbach (FUB) and Krupp-Marine Technologies 2000-2001
- ESB sampling and analysis of SPM and sediments since 2002 – 2015 (advisor for SPM-monitoring)
- HBCD monitoring in Europe 2007 - 2014
- Guideline for Monitoring of Sediments and Biota within the WFD (CMA-Group) 2008-2010
- Recommendations for sediment and suspended matter monitoring within the Elbe catchment area 2009/10
- Testing of passive samplers for polar compounds (POCIS) within the ESB 2008-2010
- Suspended Particulate matter sampling in Scandinavia (Co-operation with Exposmeter AB)
- Suspended particulate matter sampling for remediation of nuclear power plants (EON)
- Development of sampling technologies, separation and analysis of MP in urban ecosystems since 2016 at EA Germany in BMBF Research Projects
Fields of Interest:
Development of sampling equipment for water, porewater and sediment samples.
Analysis of environmental samples (water, porewater, SEPM, SPM, sediment, soil, biota, air) from point and diffuse sources for organic and inorganic compounds (bioavailable fraction, solvent-extractable fraction, bound residues), contaminant identification in combination with ecotoxicological analysis, ecological risk assessment. Development of sampling strategies, equipment of microplastic for marine, freshwater and groundwater ecosystems, preparation and analysis of mircoplastic in the range of 100 nm – 5000 µm.
Actual projects:
- Environmental Specimen Bank – suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediments – sampling, analysis 2002 - 2015
- Analysis of microplastics within the Expedition MED 2011-2013
- I-HEX in coopertation with BfG and RWTH-Aachen
- AnPassa (Passive sampling poject – BfG – S. Schäfer)
- SPM Monitoring in marine Ecosystems (NLWKN – Lower Saxonia, D. Stteffen, T. Behrends)
- BMBF-Research Project in FONA related to polymer material in the environment
- Schuphan, I., Ebing, W., Holthöfer, J., Krempler, R., Lanka, E., Ricking, M. and Pachur, H.J. 1990: Bleidner vapour phase extraction technique for the determination of organochlorine compounds in lake sediments; Fresenius Journal Analytical Chemistry, 336, 564-566.
- Ricking, M. 1992: Stoffliche Belastung, Klassifikation und geoökosystemare Bedeutung subhydrischer Böden, Umweltbundesamt, Texte 29/92, 1 - 354. (in German)
- Ricking, M. 1992: Zum Stand der Dibenzo-p-dioxin- und Dibenzofurankontamination aquatischer Ökosysteme unter besonderer Berücksichtigung subhydrischer Böden; Umweltbundesamt, Texte 43/92, 1 - 169. (in German)
- Pachur, H-J., Ahrens, M., Ricking, M. and Röper, H-P. 1993: Heavy metal and chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination of selected aquatic sediments from the Berlin Area; Land Degradation and Rehabilitation, 4, 351-360.
- Svenson, A., Edsholt, E., Ricking, M., Remberger, M., Röttorp, J. 1996: Sediment contaminants and Microtox toxicity tested in a direct contact test; Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality., 11, 293-300.
Koch, M., Ricking, M., Rotard, W., Mailahn, W., Knoth, W., Pribyl, J. and Pachur, H-J. 1999: PCDD/Fs in sediment cores of North-East Germany; Organohalogen Compounds 43, 359-363. - Schwarzbauer, J., Ricking, M., Franke, S. & Francke, W. 2001: Halogenated Organic Contaminants of the Havel and Spree Rivers (Germany). Part 5: of Organic Compounds as Contaminants of the Elbe River and Its Tributaries; Environmental Science & Technology, 35, 4015-4025.
- Ricking, M., Svenson, A. and Beckman, E.M. 2002: Polyaromatic compounds in sediment samples from the Stockholm area; J. Soils and Sediments, 2, 129-136.
- Ahlf, W., Hollert, H., Neumann-Hensel, H. and Ricking, M. 2002: A guidance for the assessment and evaluation of sediment quality, a German approach based on ecotoxicological and chemical measurements; J. Soils and Sediments, 2, 1-6.
- Ricking, M., Schulz, H-M. 2002: PAH-profiles in sediment cores from the Baltic Sea; Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44, 565-570.
- Ricking, M., Schwarzbauer, J., Franke, S. 2003: Molecular markers of anthropogenic activity in sediments of the Havel and Spree Rivers (Germany); Water Research, 37, 2607-2617.
- Schwarzbauer, J., Ricking, M. & Littke, R. 2003: DDT-related compounds bound to the non-extractable matter in sediments of the Teltow Canal, Berlin, Germany; Environmental Science & Technology, 37 (3), 488-495.
- Schwarzbauer, J., Ricking, M., Littke, R. 2003: Quantification of nonextractable anthropogenic contaminants released from Teltow Canal sediments after chemical degradation; Acta hydrochim. Hydrobiol. 31, 469-481.
- Ricking, M., Schwarzbauer, J., Hellou, J., Svenson, A., Zitko, V. 2003: Polycyclic aromatic musk compounds in sewage treatment plant effluents of Canada and Sweden – first results; Marine Pollution Bulletin 46, 410-417.
- Ricking, M., Schulze, T. 2003: Deep-freeze sampling methods for soft sediments; contaminated sediments: characterization, evaluation, mitigation/restoration, and management strategy performance; ASTM STP 1442, 28-35.
- Ricking, M., Neumann-Hensel, H., Schwarzbauer, J., Svenson, A. 2004: Toxicity of octameric elemental sulfur in aquatic sediments; Environ. Chem. Lett, 2004 (2), 109-112.
- Ricking, M., Heim, S., Schwarzbauer, J. 2004: Geochronology and specific anthropogenic markers in a sediment core from the Teltow Canal in Berlin, Germany; Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 1455-1463.
- Koch, M., Ricking, M., Rotard, W. 2004: Chemometric source identification of PCDD/Fs and other POPs in sediment cores of North-East Germany; Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 1476-1482.
- Koch, M., Ricking, M., Rotard, W. 2004: Comparison of atmospheric emission and deposition of POPs and heavy metals in Germany; Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 953-959.
- Heim, S., Ricking, M., Schwarzbauer, J., Littke, R. 2005: Halogenated compounds in dated sediment cores of the Teltow Canal, Berlin: time related sediment contamination; Chemosphere 61, 1427-1438.
- Schwarzbauer, J., Ricking, M., Gieren, B., Keller, R., Littke, R. 2005: Anthropogenic organic contaminants incorporated into the non-extractable particulate matter of riverine sediments from the Teltow Canal (Berlin); Environmental Chemistry ACE Book, 329-353.
- Ricking, M., Koch, M., Rotard, W. 2005: Organic pollutants in sediment cores of NE-Germany: Comparison of the marine Arkona Basin with freshwater sediments; Marine Pollution Bulletin, 50, 1699-1705.
- Kronimus, A., Schwarzbauer, J. and Ricking, M. 2006: Analysis of non extractable DDT-related compounds in riverine sediments from the Teltow Canal, Berlin, by pyrolysis and thermochemolysis; Environmental Science & Technology, 40, 5882-5890.
- Ricking, M., Schwarzbauer, J. 2007: HCH residues in point-source contaminated samples of the Teltow Canal in Berlin, Germany, Environmental Chemistry Letters, online first 10.1007/s10311-007-0104-3.
- Schulze, T., Ricking, M., Schröter-Kermani, C., Körner, A., Denner, H-D., Weinfurtner, K., Winkler, A., Pekdeger, A. 2007: The German Environmental Specimen Bank. Sampling, processing, and archiving sediment and suspended particulate matter; Journal Soils and Sediments, DOI:
- Stiehl, T., Körner, A., Ricking, M., Saval, G., Warmbrunn-Suckow, E., Lepom, P. 2008: PBDE and HBCD levels in surface sediments from German rivers; Dioxin 2008, Birmingham (UK), 17-22.08.2008, Paper 718.
- Rüdel, H., Bester, K., Eisenträger, A., Franzaring, J., Haarich, M., Köhler, J., Körner, W., Oehlmann, J., Paschke, A., Ricking, M., Schröder, W., Schröter-Kermani, Ch., Schulze, T., Schwarzbauer, J., Theobald, N., von der Trenck, Th., Wagner, G., Wiesmüller, G.A. 2008: Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring; ESPR,DOI: 10.1007/s11356-008-0085-1, 1-13.
- Kördel, W., Rüdel, H., Paulus, M., Klein, R., Quack, M., Wagner, G., Ricking, M., Kreft, D., Kolossa-Gering, M., Koschorreck, J., Schröter-Kermani, C. and Gies, A. 2009: The German Environmental Specimen Bank: Real-time and retrospective monitoring of environmental specimens; In: ESB-Book (Becker, P. ed): 1-39.
- Ricking, M. 2009: Implementation of sediments (SEPM) in the WFD 2009; BfG Veranstaltungen 2/2009, 105-111.
- Schwarzbauer, J. & Ricking, M. 2010: Non-target screening analysis of river water as compound related base for monitoring measures; ESPR, 17, 934-947.
- Frische, K., Schwarzbauer, J. and Ricking, M. 2010: Structural diversity of organochlorine compounds in groundwater affected by an industrial point source (Chemosphere, 81, 500-508.)
- DULIO, V., CARERE, M., HANKE, G., POTELLO, S., DAVID, M., SOLAZZO, C. (EDS) (2010). Guidance on chemical monitoring of sediment and biota under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). Version no. 6, May 2010, 1-72.
- Ricking, M. & Schwarzbauer, J. 2011: Environmental fate of DDT isomers and metabolites (Environmental Chemistry Letters Book, Chapter 6, 173-208)
- Rüdel H, et al.: Article Series: Communications from the division “Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology” of the German Chemical Society (GDCh). Statements and reports of the working groups
- “Environmental Monitoring” and “Soil Chemistry and Soil Ecology”. Environmental Sciences Europe 2011, 23:34.
- Wetterauer, B., Ricking, M., Otte, J., Hallare, A.W., Rastall, A., Erdinger, L., Schwarzbauer, J., Braunbeck, T. and Hollert, H. 2012: Toxicity and endocrine effects of DDT and its metabolites DDA, DDMU, DDMS and DDCN; ESPR Environ Sci Pollut Res. 19:403–415.
- Ricking, M. & Schwarzbauer, J. 2012: DDT isomers and metabolites in the environment, an overview (Environmental Chemistry Letters, accepted) online first DOI: 10.1007/s10311-012-0358-2
- Ricking, M., Schwarzbauer, J. 2012: Environmental fate of DDT isomers and metabolites; In: E. Lichtfouse et al. (eds): Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World. Vol. 1: Nanotechnology and Health Risk, 173-208, Springer Science and Business Media BV.
- Schubert, B., Heininger, P., Keller, M., Ricking, M., Claus, E. 2012: Monitoring of contaminants in suspended particulate matter and sediments – a comparison; Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 36, 58-70.
- Rüdel, H., Böhmer, W., Müller, M., Fliedner, A., Ricking, M., and Schröter-Kermani, C. 2013: Retrospective study of triclosan and methyltriclosan residues in fish and suspended particulate matter: results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank;Chemosphere, 91, 1517-1524.
- Ricking, M., Schwarzbauer, J. and Apel, P. 2013: Malachite green in suspended particulate matter and surface sediments in Germany; Download UBA-Homepage, 1-6. (Federal Environmental Agency)
- Fliedner, A., Rüdel, H., Knopf, B., Weinfurtner, K., Paulus, M., Ricking, M., Koschorreck, J. 2014: Spatial and temporal trends in metals and arsenic in German freshwater compartments; ESPR, 21:5521–5536.
- Berger, M., Loeffler, D., Ternes, T., Heininger, P., Ricking, M., Schwarzbauer, J., 2016: The effect of distribution processes on the isomeric composition of hexachlorocyclohexane in a contaminated riverine system. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
- Berger, M., Löffler, D., Ternes, T., Heininger, P., Ricking, M., Schwarzbauer, J. 2016: Hexaclorocyclohexane derivatives in industrial waste and samples from a contaminated riverine system; Chemosphere, 150, 219-226.
- Rüdel, H., Müller, J., Nowak, J., Ricking, M., Klein, R., Kotthoff, M. 2017: Hexabromocyclododecane diastereomers in HBCD diastereomer in fish and suspended particulate matter from European freshwater – temporal changes, spatial comparisons and environmental quality standard compliance; Environmental Earth Sciences – 24:18048–18062.
- Kucher, S., Dsikowitzky, L., Ricking, M., Sujatha, C.H., Schwarzbauer, J. 2018: Degree of phenyl chlorination of DDT-related compounds as potential molecular indicators for industrial DDT emissions; Journal of Hazardous Materials, 353, 360-371.