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Univ.-Prof. Mark Handy

Activities in the Earth Science Community

  • Co-organizer with M. Ballevre of the 9th Alpine Workshop (Cogne, Italy, 2009)
  • Co-convenor with M. Strecker of international meeting on “Shaping the Earth's Surface -Dynamics and Changing Environments" sponsored by the Geologische Vereinigung and German Science Foundation, DFG, (Univ. of Potsdam, 2006)
  • Speaker, Cluster of Excellence Initiative on “Coupled Earth Processes” (Berlin-Potsdam, 2006)
  • Convenor of the Dahlem Workshop on “The Dynamics of Fault Zones” (Berlin, 2005)
  • Scientific Advisor to Meetings on “Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology, Tectonics” (St. Malo 2003, Zürich 2005)
  • Co-convenor with G. Dresen of international conference on “Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology, Tectonics” (Neustadt-an-der-Weinstrasse, 1999)
  • Convenor of international short courses on “Fabric and Rheology of Geological Materials” at the Univ. of Giessen (1995, 1996, 1998) and Univ. of Vienna (2003)
  • Referee for the German Science Foundation, DFG (1999-2004)
  • Guest referee for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), Natural & Environmental Research Council (NERC, United Kingdom), National Science Foundation (NSF, U.S.A.), Research Council of the ETH-Zürich (Switzerland), Czeck Research Council
  • External referee/member, faculty appointment committees for Univ. of Graz (Austria), Dalhousie Univ., New Brunswick, Univ. of British Columbia (Canada), Univ. of Bonn, Univ. of Greifswald (Germany)
  • Guest examiner for PhD theses at the Univ. de Paris IV (France), Univ. of Utrecht (the Netherlands), ETH-Zürich, Univ. of Lausanne, Univ. of Basel (Switzerland)
  • Reviewer for Earth & Planetary Science Letters, Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae (Swiss Journal of Geosciences), Geological Society of London, Geology, GSA-Bulletin, Geophysical Journal International, International Journal of Earth Science, Journal of Geodynamics, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Petrology, Journal of Structural Geology, SMPM, Tectonics, Tectonophysics (editorial board 1998-2001), Terra, Quarternary International
  • Book reviews for Springer Verlag, Princeton Univ. Press