Geodynamics of the Alpine Mediterranean Area
Two-day Symposium
Friday-Saturday, 15-16th of November, 2013
GeoCampus Berlin‐Lankwitz
House C, Room C014
Friday, November 15
Coffee 9:45-‐10:15
• 10:15-‐10:30 Mark Handy: Introduction
• 10:30-‐10:45 Laszlo Fodor: Structural evolution of the Pannonian Basin – major
steps and possible connections to surrounding orogens
• 10:45-‐11:00 Ferenc Horvath: Geodynamics of the Pannonian Basin in the Mediterranean context
• 11:20-‐11:40 Liviu Matenco: The evolution of the distal Adriatic margin in the Dinarides and
its interaction with the Pannonian Basin and the Alps Discussion
Lunch 12:00-‐14:00
• 14:00-‐14:20 Stefan Schmid: How do the Rhodopes fit into the Dinarides-‐ Hellenides and
Carpatho-‐Balkan orogens?
• 14:40-‐15:00 Douwe van Hinsbergen, Liviu Matenco, Stefan Schmid, Marco Maffione, T.H. Torsvik:
Kinematic restoration of the Mediterranean region since the Triassic
• 15:20-‐15:40 Eduard Kissling & Stefan Schmid: Lithosphere structure and tectonics of the
Western Alps: roll back subduction and slab-‐tearing dynamics shaping the orogenic arc
Coffee break 16:00-‐16:30
• 16:30-‐16:45 Mark Handy, Kamil Ustaszewski, Eduard Kissling: Plate kinematic
reconstructions of the Alps-‐Carpathians-‐Dinarides system back to 84 Ma
• 16:45-‐17:00 Kamil Ustaszewski, Mark Handy, Eduard Kissling: Switches of
subduction polarity and slab gaps beneath the Alps and Dinarides
Dinner together in town
Saturday, November 16
Coffee 9:00-‐9:30
• 9:30-‐9:50 Laurent Jolivet, Armel Menant, Pietro Sternai, Aurélien Rabillard: Subduction
dynamics, magmatism and mineralization in the Aegean and the Middle East -‐ insights from
reconstructions and 3D numerical models. Discussion
• 10:10-‐10:30 Wim Spakman: Testing of tectonic evolution models by 3D numerical modeling of
mantle processes driving subduction -‐ application to the westernmost Mediterranean
Coffee 10:50-‐11:20
• 11:20-‐11:40 Claudio Faccenna, Thorsten Becker, Antoine Roizel, Enrico Serpelloni: Mantle flow
and dynamic topography in the Mediterranean
• 11:40-‐12:00 Rinus Wortel, Rob Govers, Marzieh Baes: Plate boundary reorganization in the
western-‐central Mediterrananean
Free for talks and discussion
Meeting participants before the final discussion round at the GeoCampus Lankwitz of the Freie Universität-Berlin
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