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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Merz

Leibniz-Centre of Agricultural Landscape Research, ZALF
Institute of Landscape Hydrology
15374 Müncheberg


Date of birth: 13.04.1960

Since 2010 Privatdozent at the Department of Earth Science of the FU Berlin “Workgroup Hydrogeology”

2010 Habilitation at the Department of Earth Science of the FU Berlin; Award of the "Venia Legendi" for Hydrogeology

Title: “Process based regional modeling of water and solute fluxes in Pleistocene aquifer systems - Implications for water management strategies under pressure of global change”

Since 1992 Scientist at the Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Institute for Landscape Hydrology; Head of the working group „Groundwater processes“ and head of the Hydrogeochemical Laboratory

1991 - 1992 Scientific assistant at the Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Geoinformatics, Department of Resource- und Environmental Geology, FU-Berlin

1991 Dr. rer. nat, Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Applied Geology

Title: „Experimental studies to assess the migration behaviour of Cd, Zn, Fe and Mn under natural environmental redox conditions using radionuclides as tracer”

1979 - 1986 Study of Geology (Technical University of Aachen)

Subjects: Hydrogeology, Geochemistry, Economic Geology and Petrology

MSc-HG 005: VII - Angwandte Hydrogeologie II: Wasserhaushalt von Berlin und Brandenburg, Winter Semester (2 SWS)