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Understanding Pakistan: Pakistan Elections 2013 - Problems and Prospects

Vortrag von Sarwar Bari (Pattan, Pakistan) im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe Understanding Pakistan am Montag, den 08.04.2013, 18 bis 19.30 Uhr in der Heinrich-Böll-Stifung Berlin, Schumannstr. 8. 10117 Berlin.

News vom 11.03.2013


Western perceptions of Pakistan tend to be uniformly negative – corrupt, dysfunctional and dangerous are only a few adjectives that come to mind. For years, Pakistan has been perceived by many observers of global affairs as a stumbling block towards regional and global security and peace. With this dominant biased view, many dimensions of Pakistan’s developments have been overlooked. What actually constitutes Pakistani society and which powers define its politics?

These questions become especially significant as Pakistan prepares to elect a new government. What are the hopes and visions of the Pakistani electorate and how are these reflected in their political perceptions? What role do the media play in the dynamics of politics and the formation of public opinion?  What is the economic potential of the country and how does it affect the prospects of the Pakistani youth? How does Pakistan deal with the increasing threats of climate change? And how does the country see itself in South Asia and the world?

The lecture series “Understanding Pakistan” aims at shedding light on selected issues in Pakistani society and politics and thus contributing to a more holistic picture of Pakistan. For this purpose, we invite renowned Pakistani experts to demystify the complexities of Pakistan and bring an understanding to this pivotal and important regional player.

Upcoming lectures:
(full programme)

May 21, 2013
Rehana Hakim (Newsline, Pakistan): “Media in the political process – a fourth power in the state?”

June 3, 2013
Fareeha Zafar (Society for the Advancement of Education, Pakistan): “Educating the youth - financial burden or future potential?”

October 14, 2013
Syed Akbar Zaidi (Columbia University, USA): “Pakistan's New Political Economy: What Has Changed, and What Hasn't?”

November 11, 2013
Adil Najam (Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan): “Pakistan’s Other Security Challenge: Climate Change”

December 2, 2013
Maleeha Lodhi (former Ambassador, Pakistan): “India and Pakistan - relations shaped between conflict and commerce”

Januar 13, 2014

Moeed Yusuf (Unites States Institute for Peace, USA): “Pakistan in the post- 9/11 world: Troubled or Troubling?”

All lectures take place between 18 and 19:30pm

A cooperation with the Social Science Research Center Berlin/Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB) and the Centre for Development Studies/Zentrum für Entwicklungsländerforschung (ZELF) of the Free University of Berlin.


Caroline Bertram, project manager Asia team
Email: bertram@boell.de
Tel. 030 – 285 34 368
Veranstalter Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin
Veranstaltungs- ort Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin
10117 Berlin, Schumannstr. 8
Mit der S-Bahn oder mit der U-Bahn bis Bahnhof Friedrichstraße. Ausgang über die Spree, dann Albrechtstraße, Reinhardtstraße überqueren und nach links in die Schumannstraße.