Vallerani-type basins (mechanised demi-lunes)
Mechanised demi-lunes can be constructed by two types of modified tractor ploughs: the “train” and the “dolphin”. The “dolphin” plough creates crescent-formed microbasins at a rate of up to 5,000-7,000 per day, 400 microbasins/ha. A microbasin is 4-5 m long, 40 cm wide and 40 cm deep. It has a water-catchment capacity of about 600 litres. The reported rates of tree establishment are very high. The use of this special plough can be economic if large areas have to be treated and if quick action in sparsely populated regions is required: for example to avoid imminent desertification. The plough has been used for afforestation and pasture improvement in the Mediterranean, African and Asian countries. This system can be applied in areas of 100-600 mm annual precipitation and on slopes of 2-10 % gradient. (Mekdaschi & Liniger 2013)