Conductivity distribution beneath the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain, North Chile, using 3D magnetotelluric modeling
R. Mancini, D. Diaz, H. Brasse, B. Godoy and M. J. Hernández – 2019
Conductivity distribution beneath the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain, North Chile, using 3D magnetotelluric modeling
R. Mancini, D. Diaz, H. Brasse, B. Godoy and M. J. Hernández
Mancini et al., 2019, Conductivity distribution beneath the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain, North Chile, using 3D magnetotelluric modeling, Journal of Geophysical Research
BibTeX Code
author = {Mancini, Renzo and Díaz, Daniel and Brasse, Heinrich and Godoy, Benigno and Hernández, María José},
title = {Conductivity distribution beneath the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain, North Chile, using 3D magnetotelluric modeling},
journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth},
volume = {0},
number = {ja},
pages = {},
keywords = {Volcanoes, Magnetotelluric, Central Andes},
doi = {10.1029/2018JB016114},
url = {},
eprint = {},
abstract = {Abstract A magnetotelluric study was carried out in the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain, North Chile, to identify possible magmatic structures and hydrothermal systems associated with volcanoes of Holocene activity, considering previous petrochemical studies pointing to crystallization depths of approx. 8 km. Three-Dimensional (3-D) resistivity models based on MT data of the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain were obtained based on broadband data measured in 2017 and 2018, in addition to long period data measured in 1990's. The 3-D modeling shows two low-resistivity zones (less than 10 Ωm) interpreted as partially molten areas below the Chao Dome and the Paniri volcano, and a shallower low resistivity area (less than 5 Ωm) in the Turi Basin, an active hydrothermal system to the South-West of the volcanic chain.},
author = {Mancini, Renzo and Díaz, Daniel and Brasse, Heinrich and Godoy, Benigno and Hernández, María José},
title = {Conductivity distribution beneath the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain, North Chile, using 3D magnetotelluric modeling},
journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth},
volume = {0},
number = {ja},
pages = {},
keywords = {Volcanoes, Magnetotelluric, Central Andes},
doi = {10.1029/2018JB016114},
url = {},
eprint = {},
abstract = {Abstract A magnetotelluric study was carried out in the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain, North Chile, to identify possible magmatic structures and hydrothermal systems associated with volcanoes of Holocene activity, considering previous petrochemical studies pointing to crystallization depths of approx. 8 km. Three-Dimensional (3-D) resistivity models based on MT data of the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain were obtained based on broadband data measured in 2017 and 2018, in addition to long period data measured in 1990's. The 3-D modeling shows two low-resistivity zones (less than 10 Ωm) interpreted as partially molten areas below the Chao Dome and the Paniri volcano, and a shallower low resistivity area (less than 5 Ωm) in the Turi Basin, an active hydrothermal system to the South-West of the volcanic chain.},