Prof. Dr. Anne Bernhardt

Department of Earth Sciences
Institute of Geological Sciences
Tectonics and Sedimentary Systems
Office hours
Wednesday 11:00 - 13:00
Please email me beforehand for an appointment during office hours to ensure sufficient time for the conversation.
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For further information on the research in our group, please visit the Sedimentary Systems website.
2019 - present |
W2 Professor in Sedimentology – Exogene Geology (permanent position) Freie Universität Berlin |
2016 - 2019 |
W2 Professor in Sedimentology – Exogene Geology (fixed-term position– 5 years) Freie Universität Berlin |
2013 - 2016 |
Post-doctoral fellow – German Research Foundation (DFG-Eigene Stelle) “Controls on turbidite deposition offshore the Chilean convergent margin” Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Universität Potsdam Research group of Prof. Manfred Strecker |
2013 |
Scientific consultant for the Rohöl-Aufsuchungs-AG (RAG), Vienna, Project: “Distribution and Evolution of Oligocene/ Miocene submarine slope fans along the South Slope of the Molasse Basin, Upper Austria” (employed by UP Transfer Gesellschaft für Wissens- und Technologietransfer mbH during 6 months pause of DFG-Eigene Stelle) |
2011 - 2012 |
Post-doctoral fellow Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Universität Potsdam Research group of Prof. Manfred Strecker |
Education |
2005 - 2011 |
Ph.D. in Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University Stanford Project On Deep-water Depositional Systems (SPODDS, industry-funded research program, Thesis: “Paleogeography and Sedimentary Development of two Deep-Marine Foreland Basins: The Cretaceous Magallanes Basin, Southern Chile, and the Tertiary Molasse Basin, Austria”. 218 p. Advisors: Prof. Donald Lowe, Prof. Stephan Graham |
2002 - 2005 |
Diplom program in Geology/ Paleontology at the Freie Universität Berlin |
B.Sc. Courses (in German):
- Lecture & lab "Sedimentology I" - Vorlesung & Übung „Sedimentologie I“ (24108)
- Field course "Sedimentology and Stratigraphy" - Geländepraktikum: „Sedimentär-stratigraphisches GP“ (24117b1)
M.Sc. Courses (in English):
- AG Seminar Sedimentary Systems - AG Seminar Sedimentäre Systeme (24200b03)
- WS 2018/19: "Increased vs. steady erosion rates during the Pliocene-Pleistocene"
- WS 2017/18: "Submarine Geomorphology"
- WS 2019/20: "Connectivity of sedimentary systems in the marine realm - a process-based perspective"
- Lecture & lab "Sedimentary provenance analysis" - Vorlesung & Übung: "Sedimentäre Petrographie und Herkunftsanalyse" (24212)
- Field course & seminar “The Pyrenees and their foreland basins: Sedimentology and Geomorphology” (co-taught with Jun. Prof. Dirk Scherler) - Geländepraktikum, Vor- und Nachbereitungsseminar "Die Pyrenäen und ihr Vorland: Sedimentologie und Geomorphologie" (24217b06)
For my research interests please have a look at the current projects of our working group.
Peer-reviewed papers & data publications:
Pierdomenico, M., Bernhardt, A., Eggenhuisen, J.T., Clare, M.A., Lo Iacono, C., Casalbore, D., Davies, J.S., Kane, I., Huvenne, V.A.I., and Harris, P.T., 2023, Transport and accumulation of litter in submarine canyons: a geoscience perspective, Frontiers in Marine Science, v. 10, p. 1–22, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1224859.
Hülscher, J., Sobel, E.R., Kallnik, N., Hoffmann, J.E., Millar, I.L., and Bernhardt, A., 2022, Apatites Record Sedimentary Provenance Change 4 – 5 Myrs Before Clay in the Oligocene / Miocene Alpine Molasse: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 10, no. June, p. 1–16, doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.914409
Gemignani, L., Mittelbach, B. V., Simon, D., Rohrmann, A., Grund, M.U., Bernhardt, A., Hippe, K., Giese, J., and Handy, M.R., 2022, Response of Drainage Pattern and Basin Evolution to Tectonic and Climatic Changes Along the Dinarides-Hellenides Orogen: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 10, no. April, p. 1–21, doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.821707.
Badr R., El-Barkooky, A. N., El-Araby, A.-M., Bernhardt A., Christie-Blick, N., 2022, Syn-rift sedimentary response to growth folding along a rift-margin transfer zone: An example from the early Miocene of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt, Sedimentary Geology, v. 431,
Schattner U., Kanari, M., Goodman-Tchernov, B.N., de Mahiques, M.M., Bernhardt, A., 2021, Sedimentary response of the deep eastern Mediterranean basin to the north African desertification, sea level variation and regional tectonics. Basin Research.
Hülscher, J., Sobel, E. R., Verwater, V., Groß, P., Chew, D., & Bernhardt, A., 2021, Detrital apatite geochemistry and thermochronology from the Oligocene/Miocene Alpine foreland record the early exhumation of the Tauern Window. Basin Research, 00, 1–24.
Bernhardt, A., Schwanghart, W., 2021, Where and Why Do Submarine Canyons Remain Connected to the Shore During Sea-level Rise? Insights from Global Topographic Analysis and Bayesian Regression. Geophysical Research Letters.
Bernhardt, A., Schwanghart, W., 2021, Global dataset of submarine canyon heads combined with terrestrial and marine topographic and oceanographic parameters. GFZ Data Services.
Tofelde, S., Bernhardt, A., Guerit, L., and Romans, B.W., 2021, Times associated with source-to-sink propagation of environmental signals during landscape transience. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, p. 1–26.
Huang, X, Bernhardt, A., De Santis, L., Wu, S., Leitchenkov, G., Harris, P., O’Brien, P., 2020, Depositional and erosional signatures in sedimentary successions on the continental slope and rise off Prydz Bay, East Antarctica-- implications for Pliocene paleoclimate, accepted, Marine Geology, V (430).
Huang, X., Betzler, C., Wu, S., Bernhardt, A., Eagles, G., Han, X., Hovland, M., 2020, First documentation of seismic stratigraphy and depositional signatures of Zhongsha atoll (Macclesfield Bank), South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 117, p. 104349,
Bernhardt, A.; Oelze, M.; Bouchez, J.; von Blanckenburg, F.; Mohtadi, M.; Christl, M.; Wittmann, H., 2020, 10Be/9Be ratios reveal marine authigenic clay formation, Geophysical Research Letters,
Bernhardt, A.; Oelze, M.; Bouchez, J.; von Blanckenburg, F.; Mohtadi, M.; Christl, M.; Wittmann, H., 2020, Sediment geochemistry data for the publication: “10Be/9Be ratios reveal marine authigenic clay formation”, GFZ Data Services,
Hülscher J., Fischer G., Grunert P., Auer G., Bernhardt A., 2019, Selective recording of tectonic forcings in an Oligocene/Miocene submarine channel system: Insight from new age constraints and sediment volume from the Austrian Northern Alpine Foreland Basin. Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 7, p. 1-25.
Daniels, B., Hubbard, S., Romans, B., Malkowski, M., Matthews, W., Bernhardt A., Kaempfe S. A. , Jobe, Z.R., Fosdick, J.C., Schwartz, T.M., Fildani, A., Graham, S.A., 2019, Revised chronostratigraphic framework for the Cretaceous Magallanes-Austral Basin, Última Esperanza Province, Chile, Journal of South American Earth Science, v. 94, p. 102209.
Gómez‐García, Á. M., Meeßen, C., Scheck‐Wenderoth, M., Monsalve, G., Bott, J., Bernhardt, A., Bernal, G., 2019, 3D Modelling of Vertical Gravity Gradients and the delimitation of tectonic boundaries: The Caribbean oceanic domain as a case study. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 20.
Stolle, A., Schwanghart, W., Andermann, C., Bernhardt, A., Schwanghart, W., Fort, M., Jansen, J.D., Wittmann, H., Merchel, S., Rugel, G., Adhikari, B.R.,, Korup, O., 2018, Protracted river response to medieval earthquakes, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,
Hodgson, D.M. , Bernhardt, A., Clare, M.A., da Silva, A.C., Fosdick, J.C., Mauz, B., Midtkandal, I., Owen, A., Romans, B.W., Grand Challenges (and Great Opportunities) in Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and Diagenesis Research, Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 6, p., 173,
Stolle, A., Bernhardt, A., Schwanghart, W., Hoelzmann, P., Adhikari, B.R., Fort, M., Korup, O., 2017, Catastrophic valley fills record large Himalayan earthquakes, Pokhara, Nepal, Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 177, p. 88-103,
Wittmann H., von Blanckenburg, F., M. Mohtadi M., Christl, M., Bernhardt, A., 2017, The competition between coastal trace metal fluxes and oceanic mixing from the 10Be/9Be ratio: Implications for sedimentary records, Geophysical Research Letters,
Bernhardt A., Schwanghart W., Hebbeln D., Stuut J.-B. W., Strecker M.R., 2017, Immediate propagation of deglacial environmental change to deep-marine turbidite systems along the Chile convergent margin, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 473, p. 190-204,
Stright, L., Fosdick, J., Jobe, Z., Bernhardt, A., 2017, Modeling uncertainty in the three-dimensional structural deformation and stratigraphic evolution from outcrop data: implications for submarine channel knickpoint recognition, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 86, p. 79-94,
Bernhardt, A., Hebbeln, D., Regenber, M., Lueckge, A., Strecker, M., 2016, Shelfal sediment transport by an undercurrent forces turbidity-current activity during high sea level along the Chile continental margin, Geology, v. 44, no. 4, p. 295–298,
Schwanghart, W., Bernhardt, A., Stolle, A.,Hoelzmann, P., Adhikari B.R. ,Andermann, C., Tofelde, S., Merchel, S., Rugel, G., Fort, M., and Korup, O., 2016, Repeated catastrophic valley infill following medieval earthquakes in the Nepal Himalaya, Science, v. 8, p. 147-150,
Bernhardt, A., Melnick, D., Jara-Muñoz, J., Argandoña, B., González, J., Strecker, M.R, 2015, Controls on submarine canyon activity during sea-level highstands: The Biobío canyon system offshore Chile, Geosphere,
Bernhardt, A., Melnick, D., Hebbeln, D., Lueckge, A., Strecker, M., 2015, Turbidite paleoseismology along the active continental margin of Chile – feasible or not?, Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 120. p. 71-92,
Stright, L., Bernhardt, A., and Boucher, A., 2013, DFTopoSim: Modeling Topographically-Controlled Deposition of Subseismic Scale Sandstone Packages Within a Mass Transport Dominated Deep-Water Channel Belt, Mathematical Geosciences, v. 45, p. 277-296,
Bernhardt, A., Stright, L., Lowe, D.R., 2012, Channelized debris flow deposits and their impact on turbidity currents: the Puchkirchen axial channel belt in the Austrian Molasse Basin, Sedimentology, v. 59, p. 2042-2070,
Bernhardt, A., Jobe, Z.R., Grove, M., Lowe, D.R., 2012, Paleogeography and Diachronous Infill of an Ancient Deep-Marine Foreland Basin, Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation, Magallanes Basin, Chile; Basin Research, v. 24, p. 269-294,
Bernhardt, A., Jobe, Z.R., Lowe, R., 2011, Stratigraphic Evolution Of A Submarine Channel-Lobe Complex System In A Narrow Fairway Within The Magallanes Foreland Basin, Cerro Toro Formation, Southern Chile, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 785-806,
Fosdick, J.C., Romans, B.W., Fildani, A., Calderón, M., Bernhardt, A., Graham, S.A, 2011, Kinematic History Of The Cretaceous-Neogene Patagonian Fold-Thrust Belt and Magallanes Foreland Basin, Chile and Argentina (51° 30’ S), GSA Bulletin, v. 123, p. 1679-1698, DOI: 10.1130/B30242.1
Jobe, Z.R., Bernhardt, A., Lowe, R., 2010, Strong Facies Asymmetry in a Conglomerate-Rich Submarine Channel Fill, Cerro Toro Formation, Sierra Del Toro, Magallanes Basin, Chile, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 80, p. 1085-1108, DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2010.092
Stright, L., Bernhardt, A., Boucher, A.; Mukerji, T., 2009, Revisiting the use of Seismic Attributes as Soft Data for Sub-Seismic Facies Prediction: Proportions vs. Probabilities, The Leading Edge December 2009, p. 1460-1469,
Bernhardt, A., Jobe, Z.R., Lowe, D.R., 2008, The evolution of an elongate foreland basin: the deep- to shallow-marine filling of the Cretaceous Magallanes Basin, Chile, 28th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, p. 268-310,