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New production and repair of sample cups made of Teflon for geochemistryImage Credit: Benjamin Rommel
Repair vane pump for sedimentary systemsImage Credit: Britta Ernst
Thin section and sample holder for the Electron microprobe (mineralogy)Image Credit: Martina Grundmann
Customised sample holder for a microscope Image Credit: Benjamin Rommel
Production of a fumigation system to prevent oxygen contaminationImage Credit: Benjamin Rommel
Specially manufactured chisel tool made of high-strength aluminium, for levering out coral coresImage Credit: Benjamin Rommel
Production of a sample holder for the Zeiss scanning electron microscope (REM)Image Credit: Benjamin Rommel
Experimental setup to visualise tectonic shiftsImage Credit: Benjamin Rommel
Nitrogen gassing system to prevent contamination by oxygenImage Credit: Benjamin Rommel
Display case to visualise sediment slides on various coastal features for teaching purposesImage Credit: Benjamin Rommel