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Digestion and Preparation Laboratory

Building B, Room B233


Lab Manager Dr. Philipp Gleißner

Here, we perform high-temperature and high-pressure digestions.

  • Parr pressure vessels
  • Borosilicate glass Carius tubes at 220-250 °C and 320 °C (reverse aqua regia for Re-Os, PGE, Au)
  • Quartz glass vessels in high-pressure asher HPA-S up to 320 °C (reverse aqua regia for Re-Os, PGE, Au)
  • Glassy carbon vessels in high-pressure asher HPA-S up to 260 °C (HF-HNO3)


Naberthermoven for digestions to 400°C


Parr pressure vessels with teflon liners


Carius tubes for digestions in aqua regia


Torch for sealing Carius tubes


High pressure asher HPA-S


HPA-S pressure chamber and temperature sensor


HPA-S rack for quartz digestion vessels

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