Adaptation to climate change in mountain areas – the role of Capacity Building
This event is hosted by InWEnt, Capacity Building International
Friday, January, 15th 2010 | 1-3 pm, International Congress Center (ICC), Berlin | Room 44
Fee: None, but it is necessary to register at:
News from Jan 12, 2010
(The following text has been taken from the InWEnt advertisement.)
Climate change is a fact. This is today particularly obvious in mountain areas all over the world, since climate change seems to affect them faster and more intensely than other regions.
However, climate change strikes not only the uplands. Lowland regions are equally affected by the ecological, economic and social changes. Changes concern water, biodiversity, the frequency and intensity of natural hazards, exposure to risks and catastrophes as well as adaptive strategies in land use systems. These consequences of climate change affect agriculture, which is crucial as a significant contribution to the livelihoods of the local population in developing countries.
Unfortunately, civil society and politics are currently far away from being aware of the challenges, dimension and irreversibility of the manifold impacts of climate change which are characterized by a close interaction of driving forces. It is therefore essential to identify adaptation and mitigation strategies to climate change in mountain areas. On the political level an enhanced debate about impacts on policy making and adaptive strategies is required.
This event aims at giving an overview of the impacts of climate change on the livelihoods of the population in the Himalayas, in the Andes as well as in the European Alps. Furthermore, the role of capacity building for the development of adaptative and mitigation strategies securing livelihoods in developing countries will be discussed.
Welcome address
Astrid Jakobs de Pádua (t.b.c.)
Head of division "International Relations"
German Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection (BMELV)
Dr. Beate E. Wilhelm
Head of department 5 - Environment, natural resources and food
InWEnt, Capacity Building International
Panel discussion and dialogue with the audience
Prof. Dr. Hermann Kreutzmann,Centre for Development Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
• "The impacts of climate change on agriculture"
• "Adaptation to climate change the Himalayas: Hindu Kush - Pamir - Karakorum"
Andreas GüthlerCIPRA (International Alpine Convention)
• "Impacts of climate change on agriculture in the Alps, mitigation strategies and the
role of Capacity Building"
Hartmut GastInWEnt, Capacity Building International
Division 5.01 Rural development, food and consumer protection
• "Adaptation of the agricultural sector and agricultural water use to climate change
in the Andes"
Heiko HeidemannInWEnt, Capacity Building International
Division 5.02 Natural Resources and Biodiversity