DRU presentation as part of the seminar 'Administration Can Handle Crisis!' held by the German Institute for Urban Studies in Berlin
News from Oct 14, 2024
On September 19, 2024, Dr. Cordula Dittmer gave a presentation at the seminar "Administration Can Handle Crisis! Approaches to Municipal Crisis Management." She spoke on the topic "When Crisis Becomes Normal – On the Meaning and Usefulness of the Concept of Crisis in Prolonged, Unbounded Crises." The presentation focused on recalling the primary role of administration as a democratizing, order-creating institution, whose founding was closely linked with the regulation of societal crises. The central thesis was that crisis and its management are an inherent part of administration.
Dittmer, Cordula (2024): Wenn Krise Normalität wird – zum Sinn und Nutzen des Krisenbegriffs in entgrenzten Dauerkrisen. Vortrag. Seminar "Verwaltung kann Krise! Ansätze kommunalen Krisenmanagements“ des Deutschen Institut für Urbanistik, 19.09.2024, Berlin.