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Presentation by Theresa Zimmermann on Volunteering and Spontaneous Helpers in Disaster Management (ATLAS-ENGAGE)

News from Aug 27, 2024

Who engages in crises and disasters? What conditions influence involvement in civil protection contexts? And how can collaboration between volunteers in and outside emergency organizations be effectively structured? Theresa Zimmermann addressed these and other questions related to the topic of spontaneous assistance during a presentation in the webinar "Deployment of Spontaneous Volunteers: Best Practices and Challenges" organized by the Federal Academy for Civil Protection and Civil Defense (BABZ) of the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK). In this presentation she also presented on the publications of the ATLAS-ENGAGE project.

Zimmermann, Theresa (2024): Von Ehrenamt bis Spontanhilfe. Vielfältige Engagementformen und Ansätze der Zusammenarbeit in der Krisen-und Katastrophenbewältigung. Das Projekt ATLAS-ENGAGE. Vortrag im Seminar “Einsatz von Spontanhelfenden: Best Practice und Herausforderungen“. Bundesakademie für Bevölkerungsschutz und Zivile Verteidigung des Bundesamts für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe, online, 23.08.2024.  

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