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Taking earthquake lessons from Chile (Dr Sandoval)

News from Feb 24, 2023

Dr Vicente Sandoval talks with Julian Morrow from ABC National Radio (Australia) for his show Sunday Extra about the Kahramanmaras earthquake (7.8 Mw) that struck Turkey and Siria on 6th Feb. 2023. Dr Sandoval recalled some experiences in Chile about past disasters triggered by earthquakes in 1960 (9.5 Mw) and 2010 (8.8 Mw) and highlighted the importance of sesimic design standards in construction of buildings and enforcement of disaster prevention policies.

Hear the interview here: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/sundayextra/earthquake-lessons-from-chile/101991992

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DRU_Berlin/status/1629012620383604737 

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