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Conference "Transformations in Population Protection!?": Contributions of the DRU to Diversification of Volunteering and Complex Disasters

DRU input on diversification of volunteering

DRU input on diversification of volunteering

DRU input on complex disasters

DRU input on complex disasters

News from Oct 06, 2022

Under the title "Transformations in Civil Protection!?" the joint conference of AK Naturgefahren/Naturrisiken and Katastrophennetz e.V. took place in Berlin on September 26-27, 2022. The DRU was represented with two presentations and other participants. 

In the paper "Volunteering in Transition?! Trends of social developments and transformations towards the population protection of the future", Sara T. Merkes and Theresa Zimmermann posed the question of transformation processes, potentials and necessities for population protection against the background of changing hazard situations, developments in the protection architecture, and changing social conditions. Based on a comprehensive literature analysis as well as interviews with experts, the presentation outlined six major societal trend clusters with a focus on changes in the area of volunteerism.  

Cordula Dittmer and Daniel F. Lorenz gave a presentation on "Complex Disasters as a Challenge for Disaster Management and Research - A Conceptual Proposal for the Comparison of Extreme Events in Germany". In the presentation, a proposal was made how, using different concepts and categories, different crises and disasters (well-known disasters, refugee situation in 2015/16, SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and heavy rainfall events in 2021) of recent years could be analyzed in terms of their complexity and relevance for disaster management. The concepts and categories were borrowed from disaster research, in particular disaster sociology, and adapted accordingly. The subsequent discussions opened up the space to constructively and critically examine and further think about results, knowledge and concepts such as "transformation" with regard to disaster management. 

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