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Workshop Tsunami Risk at University of Jakarta

Exchanging about disaster cultures in Indonesia

Exchanging about disaster cultures in Indonesia
Image Credit: KFS

Participants of the workshop

Participants of the workshop
Image Credit: KFS

News from Jun 28, 2022

On the 8th of June at the School of Environmental Studies, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, a workshop on disaster*cultures surrounding tsunami risk was organized by the Disaster Research Unit (DRU) and the research cluster of Disaster Management Studies at Universitas Indonesia (UI), with more to come as part of the Indonesian Ina2Core & BMBF-funded Tsunami Risk projects.

The workshop aimed to:

  1. Get to know each other better and exchange thematically around the concept of culture in disaster studies between Ina2Core / Tsunami Risk colleagues part of Working Package 410, namely the Research Centre on Populations at BRIN, UI and the Disaster Research Unit;
  2. Validate and complement the literature review findings concerning a multiplicity of socio-historically grown disaster cultures in Indonesia;
  3. Validate and complement the literature review findings concerning the stakeholder mapping relating to InaTEWS and non-seismically induced tsunamis in particular.

Since March 2021, Indonesian and German research scientists from different backgrounds and disciplines are jointly aiming to improve Tsunami Early Warning Systems in Indonesia, in particular relating to cascading non-seismic events leading to tsunamis. It was a pleasure to finally interact face to face and bring our institutions closer around research on the socio-cultural aspects of tsunami early warning systems.

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