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DRU media contributions on 2021 Floods in Germany

News from Jul 19, 2021

Researchers and experts from the Disaster Research Unit DRU (KFS, Katastrophenforschungsstelle) are being contacted by several media outlets (i.e., Radio, TV, web services, and the like) to share critical and research-based insights about the current 2021 floods in Germany. The following links will take you to the interviews and related outlets.

  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, Forschung & Lehre (article), 29 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss on population protection, the need for a societal rethinking and research needs on crises and disasters. You can find the article here.
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, Handelsblatt (interview), 24 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss on the need for a research centre for the integrated analysis of complex risks and advice regarding increasing threats in our society. You can read the interview here (cf. also Concept for a Research Centre for Resilience and Population Protection).
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, Deutsche Welle (article), 23 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss on solidarity and helping each other in times of crisis. You can find the article here. There are also an English and a Spanish version available.
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, SWR2 Forum (broadcast), 23 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss discusses the topic of climate stress, pandemics and societal resilience with other scientists. You can find the programme here.
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, Volksstimme (article), 22 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss on the perception of disasters and normality. Click here for the article.
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, hr-inforadio (podcast), 22 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss on prevention, disaster prevention and disasters as social processes. You can listen to the programme here (from minute 7:30).
  • Daniel F. Lorenz, Deutsche Welle (article), 21 July 2021. Daniel F. Lorenz on multiple dangers based on the flood situation in combination with the current pandemic. You can find the article here.
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, ZDF (article), 21 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss on the feeling of insecurity and a collective awareness of danger and disaster. Click here for the article.
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, klimareporter° (article), 21 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss on Germany's civil protection in international comparison and new types of hazards against the background of climate change. You can find the article here.
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, n-tv (article), 21 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss on the understanding of risk in an affluent society and the disaster on our own doorstep. Click here for the article.
  •  Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (open letter), 21 July 2021. Together with other scientists, Prof. Dr. Voss calls for the creation of climate-safe communities and cities along five principles. The statement can be found here.
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, Apotheken-Umschau (article), 21 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss on the influence of disasters on collective memory and the perception of risks. Read the article here.
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, ZDF (interview), 20 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss talks about hazards, damage, disaster management, risk communication, heterogeneous vulnerabilities and voluntary engagement. Click here for the article.
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, nd Aktuell (article), 20 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss points out the changed hazard situations and the necessity to be prepared for them in disaster risk management. You can find the article here.
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, Radioeins rbb (interview), 19 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss addresses the topics of warning, predictability of disasters and disaster management. You can find the interview here.
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, Tagesschau (interview), 19 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss warns against a simple and single cause of the disaster – while he sees the wave of solidarity as the biggest treasure. You can find the interview on Tagesschau.de website here.
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, Deutschlandfunk (interview), 18 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss speaks about crises and their potential for rethinking and social change. Read the interview here.
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, NDR2 (interview), 16 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Voss elaborates on insights from disaster research on social cohesion, looting and elections against the backdrop of the current flood situation in Germany. You can find the interview with "NDR 2 Update at 5" here (from minute 3:30).
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