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Şamil Sarıkaya


PhD Candidate

Malteserstr. 74-100
Room K 166
12249 Berlin

I am a PhD student at the Institute for Geographical Sciences at Freie University Berlin (AG Globalization, Transformation, Gender).

After completing my master's degree in Political Science at Yıldız Technical University in Istanbul, Turkey, I was a PhD student at the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) at the University of Osnabrück from 2018 to 2019.

My dissertation project is supervised by Prof. Dr. Antonie Schmiz.

Dissertation project: Where is the Street of Arabs? New Aspects of Berlin’s Sonnenallee

Keywords: Small businesses, immigration, working conditions, neo-liberal policies, gentrification.

The project investigates the development of small business, based on the example of Sonnenallee in Berlin-Neukölln. The focus of the project is on the relationship between immigrant entrepreneurs and their workers. Moreover, my research examines how the newly arrived migrants, in particular after 2015, have influenced the market process in Neukölln. Methodically, participant observation, formal and informal interviews are being used.

  • Sarıkaya, Ş. (2018): Book Review, Im Westen nichts Neues? Perry Anderson 1978: Über den westlichen Marxismus. Syndikat Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, in: kritisch-lesen.de.
  • Sarıkaya, Ş. (2017): “Eine gigantische Baustelle“ (article on the nationalist dimension of the Turkish government’s urban planning policy), 3.2.2017 in taz.die tageszeitung, Berlin.