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Mirandah Ackley


Doktorandin | Astrobiologie

Malteserstr. 70-100
Raum D-218
12249 Berlin

My background is in astrobiology and planetary science, with a focus on cellular and molecular biology. I received my bachelors degree from Pace University in New York City, and my masters degree from the International Space University in Strasbourg, France. During my PhD, I'll be studying the detectability of potential cellular biosignatures on the ice moons of Saturn and Jupiter, and how environmental factors, such as radiation and high salt concentrations, may affect mass spectral readings in future space missions.  

My research interests include: extremophiles, habitability, ocean worlds, radiation, and Earth-analog environments

 2019 - 2021

M.Sc. in Space Science at the International Space UniversityThesis: Plume dynamics and habitability of Saturn's icy moon, Enceladus

2014 - 2018

B.Sc. in Biology at Pace University NYCThesis: Microbial Ecology of tropical ecosystems in Maquenque National Park, Costa Rica